Kitchen open 12 - 3
Food served from half of the Pavilion with sales of bread and cookies
Menu: Vegetarian soup, chowder, fish cakes, meat pies & feature of the day: mussels
Heritage Walk to the Point & Trail -Scheduled times - TBA
In Garden - Medicinal herbs & plants and archaeological activity- scheduled times - TBA
Artisans displays and demonstrations - 12 - 4:00
Farmer's market sales
Displays/ Demonstrations 12 - 4:00
2:00-300 Ahmon Katz - story of the new fish sculpture
Basket weaving - Marjorie Paul Lewis
Roma's Fisheries & chaloupe - Thane LeLacheur & Tim Mair
Blacksmith demonstration
Drop Spindle - Sue Smith
Children's Activities 1:00 - 400
Games from the 1700's, races, activities